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IN THE MATTER OF AN OPPOSITION by McDonald's Corporation and McDonald's Restaurants of Canada Limited to application No. 731,302 for the trade-mark MCSOLD filed by Michael Terence McKenna                                                            




On June 25, 1993, the applicant, Michael Terence McKenna, filed an application to register the trade-mark MCSOLD based upon use of the trade-mark in Canada since October 1991 in association with:

Services provided by persons duly authorized to act as agents in residential and commercial purchase and sale transactions, including without limiting the generality of such services, obtaining listings for real property and personal property, advertising any part or all of such property, introducing potential purchasers to such property, and all ancillary services


The applicant disclaimed the right to the exclusive use of the word SOLD apart from his trade-mark.



The present application was advertised for opposition purposes in the Trade-marks Journal of March 2, 1994 and the opponents, McDonald's Corporation and McDonald's Restaurants of Canada Limited, filed a statement of opposition on June 28, 1994, a copy of which was forwarded to the applicant on August 17, 1994.  The opponents alleged as their first ground of opposition that the applicant's trade-mark is not registrable in view of the provisions of Section 12(1)(d) of the Trade-marks Act in that the trade-mark MCSOLD as applied to the services covered in the present application is confusing with the following registered trade-marks owned by the opponent, McDonald's Corporation:


TRADE-MARK                                                 REGISTRATION NO.


MCDONALD'S                                                            141,977


MCDONALD'S HAMBURGERS                               141,978


MCDONALD'S & M Design                            141,374


MCDONALD'S & Design                                            176,783


BIG MAC                                                                      182,371


MCDONALDLAND & Design                                    218,993


BIG MAC & Design                                                     219,423


RONALD MCDONALD                                             219,896


MCDONALD'S GOOD MORNING                                       220,219

   CANADA & Design                                             


EGG MCMUFFIN                                                       221,457


MACSUNDAE                                                             221,486


RONALD MCDONALD                                            225,901


RONALD MCDONALD Design                                 225,902


LITTLE MAC                                                               230,837


MCHAPPY DAY                                                         223,046


MCDONALD'S CARES & Design                              243,165


BIG MACK'S                                                                243,627


DOUBLE MAC                                                            244,774


NOBODY CAN DO IT LIKE                                     249,611



MCBOO                                                                        253,152


MCCHICKEN                                                              254,922


MCDONALDLAND                                                    256,841


BIG MAC ATTACK                                                    258,246


MCDONALDLAND                                                    259,357


RONALD MCDONALD HOUSE                              259,608


MANOIR RONALD MCDONALD                                       259,611


ATTACK A BIG MAC                                                262,644


MCDONALD'S & Design                                            262,687


CHICKEN MCNUGGETS                                          268,261


MCDOLLAR                                                                269,956


MAYOR MCCHEESE                                                 270,945


RONALD MCDONALD HOUSE                              274,108

   & Design


MC CHICKEN                                                             275,398


MACPOULET                                                              276,932


MCDONALDLAND FASHIONS                              277,094

   COLLECTION & Design             


MCRIB                                                                          279,507


MCBUCK                                                                     283,637


MCCOTE & Design                                                      283,789


RONALD MCDONALD HOUSE                              286,141

   & Design


MCDONUTS                                                                287,330


MCCONE                                                                      287,732


MCMONEY                                                                  290,131


MCDONALDS AND YOU                                        293.017


POULET MCCROQUETTES                                      295,104


MCDONALD'S, RONALD AND YOU                     295,143


MCBARBEQUE                                                           296,686


MCQ                                                                              296,687


MCDO                                                                           301,422



I'VE GOT A TASTE FOR                                            305,883



MCDONALD'S PLAYLAND                                     310,250


MCDONALD'S PLAYLAND & Design                     310,251


MCCOLA                                                                      314,361


MCMILLIONS                                                             316,743


MCD.L.T.                                                                      316,918


MCNUT                                                                         320,301


MCMUFFIN                                                                 321,522


MCNOGG                                                                     322,335


CHICKEN MCSWISS                                                 322,791


MAPLE MCCRISP                                                       322,792


MCMILLION                                                               322,909


MCJOBS & Design                                                       330,965


MAC FRIES                                                                  332,947


MCCHEDDAR                                                             334,618


RONALD MCDONALD CHILDREN'S                    335,462



PARTNERS IN SUPPORTING                                  336,058



MCDONUTS                                                                340,281


SAUSAGE MCMUFFIN                                             345,182


PIERROT MCDO                                                         348,005


MCSALAD                                                                   349,411


MCDRIVE                                                                    350,689


MCFAST LANE                                                           350,895


CHICKEN MCNUGGETS SHANGHAI                    352,107


MCFORTUNE COOKIE                                             365,198


MCPIZZA & Design                                                     365,613


MCDINNER                                                                 366,101


MCKIDS* & Design                                                     368,913


MCKIDS                                                                       369,839


M & MCKIDS & Design                                              369,949


BACON N EGG MCMUFFIN                                   375,891


MCKIDS                                                                       377,809


MCNUGGET BUDDIES                                             380,166


M & SPORTS MEMORIES & Design                         380,723


MCKIDS & Design                                                       381,837


COSMC                                                                         381,838


M Design                                                                       387,318


MCKIDS THE STORE FOR KIDS & Design             388,688


BIG MAC                                                                      388,940


MCDONALDS & M Design                                       388,947


MCBIRTHDAY                                                            389,326


READING IS FUN WITH RONALD                        398,089



MCNUGGETS                                                              393,609


MCDONALDS                                                            394,442


MCLOBSTER                                                               396,414


MCMATCH                                                                  397,197


MCDONALDS IN RED SQUARE & Design            399,537


CHICKEN MCNUGGETS                                          401,871


POULET MCCROQUETTES                                      402,200


M & MCDONALDS VALUE & Design                    403,244


MCCLUB                                                                      403,665


MCFONDS                                                                   403,666


MCBOURSE                                                                 403,667


MCDONALDS & Design                                            410,284




As their second ground, the opponents alleged that the applicant is not the person entitled to registration of the trade-mark MCSOLD in that, as of the applicants claimed date of first use, the applicants trade-mark was confusing with the trade-marks identified above which had previously been used in Canada and with the following trade-marks in respect of which applications for registration had been previously filed in Canada and which trade-marks and applications have not been abandoned:


TRADE-MARK                                             APPLICATION NO.


MCSNACK                                                                526,017


MCBLIMP                                                                 553,091


MCDRYER                                                                585,640


MCTRADER                                                              588,044


MCSTOP                                                                    568,109


MCD LEGER                                                             679,393


MCDONALDS & Anchor Design                            609,011


MCFRANCHISE                                                       648,350


MCKIDS                                                                    670,518


MCKIDS & Design                                                    670,517


RONALD MCDONALD                                          652,804



As its final ground, the opponents alleged that the applicants trade-mark is not distinctive.


The applicant served and filed a counter statement in which he denied the allegations of confusion set forth in the statement of opposition.


The opponents filed as their evidence the affidavit of Peter Beresford and the statutory declaration of Robert W. White while the applicant submitted as his evidence the affidavit of Michael Terence McKenna.  Further, both parties submitted written arguments and no oral hearing was conduced in respect of this opposition.


The main issue in this opposition is whether the applicant's trade-mark MCSOLD as applied to the services covered in the present application is confusing with one, or more, of the first opponent's registered trade-marks or pending trade-mark applications identified above.  In determining whether there would be a reasonable likelihood of confusion between the trade-marks at issue, the Registrar must have regard to all the surrounding circumstances, including those specifically enumerated in Section 6(5) of the Trade-marks Act.  Further, the Registrar must bear in mind that the legal burden is upon the applicant to establish that there would be no reasonable likelihood of confusion between the trade-marks at issue  as of the material dates in this opposition.  In this regard, the material date with respect to the grounds of opposition based on Section 12(1)(d) of the Trade-marks Act is the date of my decision [see Park Avenue Furniture Corp. v. Wickes/Simmons Bedding Ltd. et al, 37 C.P.R. (3d) 413 (F.C.A.)]  while  the material dates with respect to the non-entitlement and non-distinctiveness grounds are, respectively, the applicant's claimed date of first use [October 1991] and the date of opposition [June 28, 1994].


Considering the inherent distinctiveness of the trade-marks at issue [ss. 6(5)(a)], I find that the applicant's trade-mark MCSOLD possesses some minor degree of inherent distinctiveness as applied to the services involving purchase and sale transactions covered in the present application.  Certain of the first opponent's trade-marks such as MCDONALD'S, RONALD MCDONALD, and the design trade-marks including these words, are weak marks which possess little inherent distinctiveness while the first opponent's trade-marks comprising or including the word MCDONALDLAND do possess some inherent distinctiveness.  Further, a number of the first opponent's marks including the MC or MAC prefix in combination with a food identifier possess some measure of inherent distinctiveness, as do the trade-marks which include the prefix MAC or MC in combination with a word or words which are descriptive of food products.  The former group of trade-marks include such marks as: MACSUNDAE, EGG MCMUFFIN, BACON N EGG MCMUFFIN, SAUSAGE MCMUFFIN, MCCHICKEN, MACPOULET, MAYOR MCCHEESE, MCRIB, MCCOTE & Design, MCCONE, MCCOLA, MCNUT, MCMUFFIN, MCNOGG, MCLOBSTER, MCDONUTS, MCSALAD, MAC FRIES, MCFORTUNE COOKIE and MCPIZZA while the latter group is represented by the trade-marks MCSNACK, MCDINNER, MCBARBEQUE, POULET MCCROQUETTES, MAPLE MCCRISP, CHICKEN MCSWISS, MCCHEDDAR, MCNUGGETS, CHICKEN MCNUGGETS and CHICKEN MCNUGGETS SHANGHAI.  Other of the first opponent's trade-marks are inherently distinctive in relation to the food products or restaurant services covered in the respective registrations, including the trade-marks BIG MAC, BIG MAC ATTACK, MCHAPPY DAY, BIG MACK'S, MCBOO, MCBLIMP, MCDRYER, MCSTOP, ATTACK A BIG MAC, MCQ, MCDO, PIERROT MCDO, COSMC, MCCLUB, MCFONDS, MCBOURSE, MCDRIVE, MCFAST LANE, MCD.L.T., MCMILLION,  MCBIRTHDAY and MCMILLIONS.  Finally, the first opponent has a group of marks possessing some inherent distinctiveness but covering wares and services unrelated to either food products or restaurant services, including the trade-marks:  MCKIDS and MCKIDS & Design covering clothing, shoes and health and beauty products; MCDONALDS PLAYLAND entertainment services; POULET MCCROQUETTES and CHICKEN MCNUGGETS as applied to toys; MCMATCH promotional game materials; MCFRANCHISE franchising services; MCTRADER trading cards; LITTLE MAC and DOUBLE MAC electric food cookers; MCBUCK, MCDOLLAR and MCMONEY as applied to imitation money; and MCJOBS covering the training of handicapped persons as restaurant employees.


With respect to the extent to which the trade-marks at issue have become known [ss. 6(5)(a)], the applicant's trade-mark MCSOLD had not become known in Canada as of his claimed date of first use, the material date in respect of the non-entitlement grounds.  Further, the McKenna affidavit establishes that the applicants trade-mark MCSOLD has become known to a relatively minor extent in the area of Victoria, British Columbia in relation to real estate services.  On the other hand, a number of the first opponent's trade-marks are very well known in Canada either in association with the operation of fast-food restaurants or in association with the food products sold in those restaurants.  In particular, the opponents' evidence establishes that the trade-marks MCDONALD'S, BIG MAC, EGG MCMUFFIN, SAUSAGE MCMUFFIN, MCCHICKEN, CHICKEN MCNUGGETS and MCD.L.T. are very well known in Canada.  However, the Beresford affidavit does not establish that such trade-marks as MACSUNDAE, LITTLE MAC, DOUBLE MAC, MCCONE, MCCOLA, MCNUT, MCDONUTS, MCPIZZA, MCLOBSTER or MCNOGG have become known to any extent in Canada. 


The length of time that the trade-marks at issue have been in use [ss. 6(5)(b)] also favours the opponents in view of the use in Canada by the second opponent and licensees of the first opponent of the trade-marks MCDONALD'S since at least 1960, BIG MAC since 1968, EGG MCMUFFIN since at least 1976, SAUSAGE MCMUFFIN since 1984, MCCHICKEN since 1981, CHICKEN MCNUGGETS since 1983 and MCD.L.T. since 1985.  In his affidavit, Mr. McKenna states that he has been identified by the nickname MCSOLD for several years and prior to the opponents adoption of their trade-mark EGG MCMUFFIN.  However, the applicant has not shown that such activities constitute use of the mark MCSOLD as a trade-mark in association with the services covered in the present application within the scope of Section 4(2) of the Trade-marks Act. Rather, Mr. McKennas activities involving the use of his nickname prior to October of 1991 appear to have been limited to his sale of motor vehicles.


As for the respective wares and services of the parties [ss. 6(5)(c)], the applicant's Services provided by persons duly authorized to act as agents in residential and commercial purchase and sale transactions, including without limiting the generality of such services, obtaining listings for real property and personal property, advertising any part of all of such property, introducing potential purchasers to such property, and all ancillary services bear little similarity to any of the wares and services covered in the first opponent's registrations and pending applications.  Likewise, the channels of trade [ss.6(5)(d)] associated with the wares and services covered in the respective registrations and pending applications of the first opponent and the channels of trade associated with the applicant's services covered in the present application differ.

As to the degree of resemblance between the trade-marks of the parties [ss. 6(5)(e)], the applicant's trade-mark MCSOLD bears some similarity both in appearance and in sounding to a number of the first opponent's "Mc" formative trade-marks in that the trade-marks commence with the element MC.  On the other hand, the trade-marks at issue do not suggest the same ideas.  While a number of the first opponent's marks suggest a name, a surname, or a food product, other of its trade-marks such as MCBOO, MCQ, MCJOBS, MCDRIVE, MCDO, MCCLUB, MCBLIMP, MCSTOP, MCDRYER, MCMATCH and McD.L.T. either suggest no idea or suggest ideas completely unrelated to the idea suggested by the applicant's trade-mark MCSOLD.  On the other hand, there is at least some similarity in the ideas suggested by the applicants trade-mark and the opponents marks MCBUCK, MCMONEY, MCMILLION, MCFONDS, MCBOURSE and MCFRANCHISE, all of which vaguely suggest a connection with a sale or business transaction.


As a surrounding circumstance with respect to the issue of confusion, the opponents have relied upon the adoption and use of an alleged family of MC and MAC formative trade-marks.  In view of the decision in McDonald's Corp. v. Yogi Yogurt Ltd., 66 C.P.R. (2d) 101, an opponent relying upon a family or series of trade-marks must evidence use of those marks in the marketplace.  In the present case, and apart from the evidence of adoption by the first opponent of a number of MC formative trade-marks, the opponents have submitted evidence of significant use by the second opponent and licensees of the first opponent of the trade-marks MCDONALD'S in association with fast-food restaurant services and EGG MCMUFFIN, SAUSAGE MCMUFFIN, MCCHICKEN, CHICKEN MCNUGGETS, MCD.L.T., and to a lesser extent MCRIB, all as applied to food products.  I am satisfied, therefore, that the opponents have established the existence of a family or series of trade-marks including the component MC followed by the name of a food product.  However, the existence of such a family of marks does not mean that the opponents' protection for their MC formative marks necessarily extends beyond the area of food products and restaurant services.  Indeed, in McDonald's Corp. et al. v. Coffee Hut Stores Ltd., 68 C.P.R. (3d) 168 (F.C.A.), at page 170, Hugesson, J.A. cited with approval the following comments of Mr. Justice Strayer in McDonald's Corp. et al. v. Silcorp Ltd./ Silcorp Ltée, 24 C.P.R. (3d) 207 concerning the opponents family of marks as follows:














Having regard to the Coffee Hut decision, supra, it is apparent that the existence of the opponents' family or series of marks is not a relevant factor with respect to the issue of confusion unless the trade-mark at issue comprises the prefix MC, or MAC, in combination with the name of an edible as applied to food products.  I am therefore not convinced that the existence of the opponents' family of marks is a particularly relevant factor with respect to the issue of confusion in this opposition where the applicant's mark does not include the name of an edible and the applicant's services are unrelated to food products and restaurant services.


As a further surrounding circumstance with respect to the issue of confusion, the opponents sought to rely upon their evidence relating to the existence of an employee incentive program whereby more than Canadian 68,000 employees of the second opponent and licensees of the first opponent can purchase a range of goods which display one, or more, of the first opponent's trade-marks [para. 41, Beresford affidavit].  However, very few of the wares identified in the photocopy of the merchandise catalogue comprising exhibit JJ to the Beresford affidavit include the opponents  Mc formative marks.  As well, the goods are only available to employees of either the second opponent or licensees of the first opponent and not to the average consumer of the opponents' wares and services and no evidence has been furnished by the opponents as to the extent to which its Canadian employees purchase goods from the merchandise catalogue.  As a result, this evidence is of little relevance to the issues in this opposition and, in particular, does not assist the opponents in establishing a reputation for the alleged family of Mc formative trade-marks extending beyond their food products and restaurant services. 


As yet a further surrounding circumstance with respect to the issue of confusion, the opponents submitted evidence relating to the free distribution by the second opponent and the licensees of McDonald's Corporation of hand puppets, get well cards, greeting cards and stencils, as well as the treat-of-the-week distributed to children [para. 33, Beresford affidavit].  Further, promotional booklets to raise the safety consciousness of children have been distributed in Canada by the second opponent [para. 35, Beresford affidavit].  In paragraph 34 of his affidavit, Mr. Beresford also notes the following:

34.  From time to time, various McDonalds restaurants will conduct local programs or projects with a view to promoting the company and local McDonald's restaurants.  Mc formative words are often featured in such promotions.  Now produced, shown to me and marked Exhibit AA to this my affidavit is a photocopy of an entry form promoting, among other things, THE GREAT McRACE.  Now produced, shown to me and marked Exhibit BB to this my affidavit is a photocopy of a flyer entitled McNEWS.  Now produced, shown to me and marked collectively Exhibit CC to this my affidavit are photocopies of a McCALENDAR desk calendar and an advertisement therefor.



Even though the opponents have not provided any evidence as to the volume or dollar value of such premium distributions, their evidence does establish some measure of a reputation for the Mc formative trade-marks in association with booklets, flyers, calendars, and other printed materials.


In paragraphs 24 to 29 of the Beresford affidavit and the accompanying exhibits referred to in these paragraphs, the opponents have also submitted evidence of publicity, advertising and articles appearing in publications featuring the use of so-called McLanguage.  Included in this evidence are reference to such terms as: McMaking it, McAUTO, McWidens, McShortage, McProblems, McSneeze, McFortune, McBarge, McBlimp, mcunion, McMuseum and McHistory.  I would note that the photocopy of the storyboard comprising exhibit P is unreadable while no circulation figures in Canada are provided in the White affidavit for the majority of the United States publications referred to in paragraph 27 of the Beresford affidavit and they have therefore been ignored.  While this evidence does not establish that the opponents have any proprietary rights in any of these terms as trade-marks or otherwise, it does increase the likelihood that the average person encountering a trade-mark including the formative MC in combination with another word or element might assume some connection with the opponents. 


Having regard to the above and, in particular, to the differences between the applicant's services and the opponents' restaurant services and food products, as well as the other wares and services covered in the first opponent's registrations and pending applications, and considering further the differences in the potential channels of trade associated with the respective wares and services of the parties, and bearing in mind the decision of the Federal Court of Appeal in McDonald's Corp. et al. v. Coffee Hut Stores Ltd., referred to above, I have concluded that there would be no reasonable likelihood of confusion between the applicant's trade-mark MCSOLD as applied to the services covered in the present application and the trade-marks of the first opponent.  I have therefore rejected the opponents' grounds of opposition pursuant to Section 38(8) of the Trade-marks Act.










Trade Marks Opposition Board.

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