Trademark Opposition Board Decisions

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respecting registration No. TMA 380,243 for the
trade-mark ONE STEP UP standing in the name of One
Step Up, Inc.

On May 16, 1995, at the request of Messrs. Marcus and

Associates, the Registrar forwarded a Section 45 Notice to One Step

Up, Inc., the registered owner of the above referenced trade-mark


registration No. TMA 380,243.

The trade-mark ONE STEP UP is


registered for us~ in association with the following wares: "(1)

Ladies' tops, sweaters, pants, shirts and shorts".


In response to the Section 45 notice, the registrant furnished

the affidavit of Harry Adjmi, President of One Step Up, Inc.

Neither the registrant nor the requesting party made written



An oral hearing was conducted at which only the


requesting party attended.

Prior to January 1, 1996, Section 45 of the Trade-Marks Act


R.S.C. 1985, c. T-13

(hereinafter "the Act.") required the


registered owner to demonstrate use of its trade-mark at any time

during the two years preceding the date of the Notice. However,





amended by the World Trade Organization


Implementation Act now requires the registrant to demonstrate use

at any time during the three year period preceding the date of the

notice for each of the registered wares and/or services. The

Trade-Marks Opposition Board applies Section 45 as amended to all"

Section 45 cases whether they were commenced before or after

January 1, 1996. Consequently, the relevant period in this case is



between May 16, 1992 and May 16, 1995.

If the registrant cannot


show use within this period, it is required to show the date of

last use of the mark and provide the reason for the absence of use

since such date.

In his affidavit, Mr. Adjmi states that his company

manufactures various articles of clothing for women including tops,

sweaters, pants, shirts and shorts and that one of the trade-marks


used by his company in association with its articles of clothing is



At paragraph (e), he deposes that his company has


continuously used its trade-mark in the Canadian marketplace in

retail clothing stores such as Suzy Shier since at least as early

as May 1987. Attached to his affidavit is a sales report for

business conducted by One Step Up Ltd. with Suzy Shier from January

1, 1993 to July 31, 1995. He states at paragraph (f) that annual

sales of the ONE STEP UP line of clothing have been $50 million for

each of the years 1991 - 1995 (to the date of his affidavit). Also


attached to his affidavit are copies of representative samples of

invoices which he states shows sales of the trade-mark in Canada.

The invoices, which are referenced in the sales report, show sales

of the following items: cvc crew s/s prt top-suzy; crv v nk s/s prt

top-SUZY; t/c 2x2rib y/d v nk s/s-s; and t/c 2x2rib y/d v nk w/bttn

pr. Finally, at paragraph (i) he deposes that the ONE STEP UP

clothing is advertised by retailers and he provides annual
advertising and promotional expenditures at paragraph (j).

I observe that the documents attached are not notarized or


identified as exhibits.

However, I find them admissible in view


that they are identified in the affidavit to which they are

attached which was properly sworn before a commissioner of oaths.

The arguments of the requesting party made at the oral hearing

can be summarized as follows. First, the requesting party contends

that the affidavit of Mr. Adjmi is ambiguous and as such, is not


sufficient to show use.

Second, it is the requesting party's


submission that the evidence submitted is insufficient to show use

of the mark in the normal course of trade in association with each

of the wares.

To support the contention that the affidavit of Mr. Adjmi is

ambiguous, the requesting party relies on the authority of Plough

(Canada) Ltd. v. Aerosol Fillers Inc.(1979), [1980] 45 C.P.R. (2d)

194 (F.C.T.D.) (hereinafter Plough), and submits that the affiant


has only made mere assertions of use of the mark as opposed to

furnishing facts from which the Registrar can make conclusions


regarding use.

The requesting party also asserts that the sales


figures amounting to exactly $50 million dollars for each of the
years 1991 - 1995 (to the date of the affidavit) are suspect and as

such make the affidavit ambiguous since the registrant cannot be

cross-examined on these figures. A further submission made by the

requesting party was that the affiant did not show he had knowledge

of the advertising and promotional expenditures he lists in

paragraph (j).

From the evidence furnished, I am not satisfied that the-

registrant has shown use of its trade-mark in association with the


registered wares in Canada during the relevant period.

As the


requesting party pointed out, the affidavit is vague and ambiguous


in many regards.

Regarding the sales figures, I am prepared to


accept the affiant's sworn statement that these figures represent

annual sales of the ONE STEP UP line of clothing over the last five

year period. However, Mr. Adjmi does not provide a breakdown of

sales for each ware nor clearly state what portion of the sales

figures he refers to at paragraph (f) apply to sales in Canada, if

any. The same can be said with respect to the advertising figures

he provides at paragraph (j).

With respect to the invoices, although they may represent

sales made in Canada, it is not clear whether the sales referenced


were made by the registrant.

This is because the attached sales


report which corresponds to the invoices identifies the vendor as

One Step Up Ltd. and not the registrant, One Step Up, Inc. Even if

I were prepared to infer that the sales report represented sales

made by the registrant to Suzy Shier, it would be difficult to draw

conclusions from it regarding use because it does not identify to


which wares the sales correspond to.

Further, in view of Mr.


Adjmi's statement that ONE STEP UP is one of the marks used by his

company in association with the articles of clothing it


manufactures, it is not clear from the sales report whether all

transactions shown in it regard only the trade-mark ONE STEP UP or

whether the transactions regard all of the registrant's marks.

With respect to the labels, Mr. Adjmi states that the sample

labels submitted show the mark as actually used in Canada.



I observe that the style numbers listed on the back of


two of these labels do not correspond with any of the style numbers

on the attached invoices or on the sales report. Therefore, it is

difficult to ascertain whether or not the labels submitted

represent labels used in association with the wares in Canada

during the relevant period.

It is settled law that evidentiary overkill is not required

for a registrant to establish use of its mark (see Union Electric

Supply Co. Ltd.v. Registrar of Trade-Marks (1982), 63 C.P.R. (2d)

56). However, in view of the fact that the requesting party cannot

cross-examine the registrant's affiants and cannot file evidence of

its own, it is incumbent on the registrant to establish sufficient

facts to enable the Registrar to draw a clear conclusion of use of


the trade-mark in association with each of the wares in Canada

during the relevant period. In the present case, if the registrant

was using the registered mark in Canada during the relevant time,


it could have easily evidenced that fact.

However, the only


evidence submitted by the registrant was the Adjmi affidavit which,


in my view, is replete with ambiguities.

Having regard to the


decision in Plough, supra, I resolve these ambiguities against the



As the evidence fails to show use of the mark in


association with the wares in Canada during the relevant period, I

conclude that the trade-mark ought to be expunged.


Accordingly, and in the absence of an appeal from this


decision pursuant to the provisions of Section 56 of the Act.,


registration No. 380,243 will be expunged from the register.











Cindy R. Vandenakker
Hearing Officer


21 st DAY OF



August 1996.






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