Trademark Opposition Board Decisions

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et Corporations Canada



Mantha & Associes/Associates
Suite 601

100 Gloucester Street
Ottawa, Ontario



Dear Sir/Madam:


                   RE:    SECTION 45 PROCEEDINGS
Registration No. TMA272,498
Trade-mark: REGINA



Consumer and

Corporate Affairs Canada


Votre reference Your file

Notre reference Our file



At the request of Messrs. Gowling , Strathy & Henderson , the Registrar issued a
S.45 Notice dated April 27, 1988, to 121,369 Canada Inc., the registered owner
of the above referenced trade-mark registration.


The mark Regina was registered on October 8, 1982 for use in association with
the following wares:


"(1) Breads of all sorts, cake, pastry, biscuits, bread crumbs and pizza. (2)
Canned, frozen, processed and packaged spaghetti and macaroni products, namely,
spaghetti dinner, pizza dinner, ready- to-serve macaroni and ravioli, anti pasta,
pizza and ravioli; sausages; canned , f r oz e n , processed and bottled fish products,
namely, tuna, anchovies. sardines, and salmon; edible oils; condiments, namely,
spices, herbs, vinegars, sauces, marinades , mustard , and mayonnaise; canned,
frozen, and processed fruit; canned fruit and vegetable juices; cheese; coffee,
tea and cocoa; salads; fresh , frozen , canned and packaged cakes, pies, pastries,
puddings and de s e r t s ; canned , frozen, and processed vegetables."


Ownership of this mark was transferred on several occasions, the last assignment
being the only one material to these proceedings. This last assignment, recorded
on the register on October 21, 1988, indicates a change in title with an
effective date of March 19, 1986 and recognizes Les Aliments Da Vinci Ltee as
the new owner of the mark  as of that d a t e.


I have reviewed the assignment documents filed under Section S.48 of the Act
and I am satisfied that the t r a ns f e r in title from Les Aliments Regina Foods
Inc., to Les Al iments Da Vinci Ltee., was properly recorded nunc pro tunc on
October 21, 1988 with effective date of transfer as of March 19, 1986.


In response to the Registrar's Notice, the registrant furnished the affidavit
of its controller, Mr. Richard Farran, along w ith exhibits A and B thereto.
Fu r the r to the filing of this evidence, the requesting party filed a written
submission to wh ich the registrant responded in like manner.


On reviewing the evidence fi1ed and the arguments of both parties, I find the
Farran affidavit quite informative and to the point. I also find the written
arguments of both parties to be comprehensive and pertinent. Given that the
governing jurisprudence in S. 45 matters is in a constant state of evolution,
since the famous Ae r o so l F'i l l e rs ' Inc., decision 1 in 1980, the only problem to
be resolved in t h is instance is wher e the 1 aw stands at this point in time.


. . . /2

1 - Aerosol Fillers Inc'.,v. Plaugh-(Canada) Ltd.(1480)
            45  C.P.R.. (2nd) 194; .affirmed 53 C.P.R. (2d) 62.




I -


I agree with counsel for the requesting party that the Marcus decision 2 made
it clear that in s. 45 proceedings, the evidence of use must be furnished by t he
registered owner of  the mark  by a duly register e d us e r , that the evidence mu s t
show use of the mark by either of these parties and that the principle of
assignee, owner in f a c t or lega1 owne r, ac c e p t e d in previous decisions, as
exemplified by the STAR-K1ST decision 3, was put to rest by the Ma r c us decision,
supra. However, in the instant case and as indicated supra, an assignment of
the mark was r e c.o r ded  nune pro tunc  on Oc t.ob e r 2l, 1988 with confirms an
effective date of March 19, 1986 again as d i s c u s s ed in the Marcus c a s e .  I am
therefore  satisfied that the evidence in this case was properly furnished by the
owner of the rna r k: and t h at any use shown by the evidence is use by this new


0n the question of whether the trade-ma r k is in us with all  and each of its

                 r e g i s t e r e d wares, the Farran affidavit is quite clear ; it is no t . The wares in


association with which the mark was in use as of the notice date are c l ca r l v
listed on page 2 of the said affidavit.


The r e a sons adduced to excuse the absence of use with the remaining wares, in

My opinion, are not very convincing.  While I would probably agree that a recent

assignment coupled with a constraining situation would excuse non-use for a

justifiable period of time.  I do not believe that a not so recent assignment

coupled with a pious intention of resuming use oat a vague date in the future

would be compelling enough to deserve an exception to the general rule; see

Harris Knithing Mills4.


In the instant c a s e , the new owner was already dealing in most of the registered
wa r es, under different trade-marks, as of the notice date and the evidence does
not establish an acceptable reason why the REGINA ma r k was not put to
c omp r ehe n s use from inception, nor any serious plan to do so as soon as


In my respectful opinion, the statement of paragraph 5 of the Far r an affidav it
which reads as to follows:


"A cause de l’acquisition récente de cette marque de commerce,

il a été impossible d’employer la marque en liaison avec toutes

les marchandises visées par l’enregistrement numéro 272,498.

Cependant, ma compagnie se propose d’employer cette marque de

commerce en liaison avec toutes ces marchandises dans les

meilleurs délais possibles."


Cannot be considered as special circumstances which could excuse the apparent

period of non-use of over two (2) years; that is, from the effective date of the

transfer March 19, 1986 in the notice date of April 27, 1988 or even to the date

of the Farran affidavit of July 4, 1988.


Therefore, by reason of the evidence filed in these proceedings, I have

Concluded that the subject trade-mark is in use in association with some of its

Registered wares, but not with all of them and, that the reasons adduce





            2. – Marcus v. Quaker Oats Company of Canada Ltd. (1989)

                   20 C.P.R. (3d) 46


            3. – Star-Kist Foods Inc. v. RTM  (1985)

                   3 C.P.R. (3d) 208, reversed 20 C.P.R. (3d) 46


            4. – Registrar of Trade-marks v. Harris Knitting Mills (1985)

                       3 C.P.R. (3d) 488.

 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.